Crazy A.I.T.S. Australia!
This November will see yours truly headed back to the land Down Under. As I once again embark on the long ass flight to Melbourne Australia. I'll be attending the Crazy A.I.T.S. show hosted by and Australia's own Jason Stewart. Really looking forward to this trip, as its been nearly 7 years since last I was there. I'll be working with good friend Jime Litwalk, as well as doing our Seminar "Lining, Cheatin, and Stealin". A seminar workshop stressing the importance of, creating ones own style, in drawing and tattooing. We'll also be discussing the importance of a good foundation, from the initial concept, to drawing, to tattoo. If your interested check out the Crazy A.I.T.S. website to sign up. Pencils, and paper are mandatory, as you will be asked to draw. As for appointments in Australia, I'll be booking what I have left for spots upon arrival at the show. So hook up with me there. See ya when I see ya.