Against all odds...

Yup thats right, with a bad back, and after a hard day's tattooing (if such a thing can be said). I completed my art work for the "Tattoo Hand Book 2" (yes there is a 1, it kicks ass, and I was lucky enough to get into that one as well).
IM very excited because I was under the impression that I was late, and that the dead line was the 1st of May. Well it turns out the deadline is indeed the 31st of May, and I am Early for a change. Very excited on my part. So IM giving all you folks out there in Blog land a peak, or I should say an Unadulterated look at what I've done for said project.
Who knows, maybe I'll use this extra time to start a second piece for this project! But probably noy. Too many other projects to get started on...

By the way it was done in Acrylic (airbrush, and brush), Marker, pencil, on Mat board.

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